Tuesday, June 16, 2015

4 Most Effective Ways To Fight Hunger In 2015

Hunger knows no age and affects people of all age groups. Increasing numbers of hunger deaths suggest that the time has come to work seriously on food security and equality. In order to end hunger, we all need to address the root causes of hunger and take sincere initiatives.

The top 4 ways that can help us fight against hunger are-

1. Agroecology - Changes in the climate is a threat to the long-term food supply and can lead to food shortage crisis. Our current food production system is not balanced, which is why we need to shift towards agroecology. It is the ideal way to protect land, water and the environment. It can make a significant contribution to meet the increasing food requirements within environmentally acceptable features.

2. Stop Food Wastage- Recent studies reveal that every year billions of pounds of edible food goes to waste. This heart-breaking stat suggests that near about 40 percent of the grown food is filling landfills instead of nourishing people. It has to end, if we want food to reach the hungry people that need it the most. You can also contribute to it by ensuring that you cook the food you already have, before purchasing more.

3. Talk about it- Did you know that by raising voice against hunger could save the lives of many? Yes, you must use your voice and resources to talk about hunger and make it visible to others in your family, workplace, or neighborhood. Sharing information and graphics about movements like Fair Food Program can help you spread the word.

4. Volunteer- Ending hunger also depends on the dedicated volunteer efforts year-around. It is a new tradition that you can choose to help on a different day. You can also volunteer with your special skills that can include accounting, social media, website development, etc.

When it comes to finding the world hunger solutions, facts mentioned above can make a big difference. We all have to contribute and we all have a role to play. Get in touch with an organization with similar cause to know how you can be a part of it.

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