Sunday, November 29, 2015

What Role Do Relief Organizations Play?

Many national and global hunger relief organizations have been able to reduce the problem of hunger spread in the United States. Why Hunger is one of the foremost organizations that are working towards this goal.

Monday, November 23, 2015

How Planting Trees Can Help In Ending World Hunger?

Over the years, many solutions have been suggested by experts to end hunger worldwide. It includes food sovereignty, giving attention to small farmers, focus on underfed children, food justice, and more. Planting trees is one of these solutions that aim to ending world hunger.

But, how planting trees can help in eliminating the issue of world hunger? Answer is –

It plays an important part in food production – Trees can play a major role in food production. One can get healthy fruits from woods, which are an essential source of nutrients. Even those people who cannot afford other eatables can get fruits from nearby forests. Seasonal fruits can provide a variety of vitamins and minerals. It is an effective method of ending hunger.

There are many communities worldwide who heavily depend on forests for their food. In addition, forests are also a source of products like honey, seeds, gum Arabic and more. They can be a source of eatables even in the difficult times like draught.

It has a major effect on global environment – It is a well-known fact that trees and forests have a major effect on the global environment.
 They can help in reducing global warming, which is causing many natural disasters all around the world. These disasters affect food production and cause shortage of food. Forests can be helpful in preventing natural disasters like flooding, which ruins the crops of many farmers.

Trees help in absorbing water in soil effectively removing excess water from the surface and reducing the chances of flood. For poor farmers, it provides a chance to save their crops and increase food production. It helps in nearing the goal of ending hunger.

It helps in preserving essential resources – Trees can help in preserving essential resources like wood, and more. People who cannot afford other resources can depend on forests to provide resources like firewood and fruits. Furthermore, trees help in preserving ground water by absorbing it during rain. One can use this water for crops and drinking. In draughts, these water resources save many lives.

Many people sell forest products to earn money. It includes products like gum Arabic, seeds, fruits, honey etc. It can help in improving their financial situation, so that they can afford food.

However, just one solution or method alone cannot end world hunger. All methods should be used together for this purpose. Focus on small farmers and malnourished generations along with planting trees can get desired results.