Monday, March 7, 2016

Types Of Malnutrition That Affect The Health Of Individuals

Besides poverty, malnutrition is another major reason behind world hunger. An individual who is not getting enough food and essential nutrients in the body is said to be suffering from malnutrition.

Malnutrition causes a bad effect on an individual’s physical and mental abilities. These are of many types and here are some of the major kinds of malnutrition –

Protein deficiency - An individual suffering from protein deficiency is likely to face enlarged liver, swelling of the ankles and feet. The protein deficiency is categorized in two types, kwashiorkor, and marasmus.

Every year, numerous deaths are caused worldwide because of protein deficiency.  Children are at an even higher risk .

Micronutrients - Another type of malnutrition that has affected people is micronutrient deficiency. An individual suffering from micronutrient deficiency lacks different kinds of dietary vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iodine, selenium, iron, zinc, vitamin C, Vitamin B1 & D, and more.

Such deficiencies lead to serious health issues amongst people like Rickets, Pellagra, Keshan disease etc and may even cause death in severe cases.

Iodine deficiency - Deficiency of iodine causes swelling of the thyroid gland called goiter. It can also cause adverse effects on brain development, which further lead to mental disability.

The deficiency of the nutrients not only affects the health of an individual but also their children and future generations to come.

A malnourished mother is likely to give birth to a weak child who is lacking some of the essential nutrients. This cycle continues and travels from generations to generations, until and unless proper food or nutrition is provided to children.

Many world hunger relief organizations are taking initiatives to break this cycle and end the problem of nutrition.

They are providing nutritious food to people who are suffering from any kind of deficiency or disease due to malnutrition.

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