Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Why Developing Countries Are More Affected With Hunger Issues?

World hunger cannot be considered just one nation’s problem. It is an issue that is affecting lives worldwide. But, it is also a fact that it affects developing countries more than the developed nations. Most malnourished people live in African regions (like Niger and Ethiopia), other countries in Asia.

But, why? Why developing countries suffer more than developed ones when it comes to hunger issues? What makes them more prone to these problems?

Here are the reasons –

Poverty – Poverty is one of the biggest factors behind hunger issues. Family or individuals who cannot afford food are more likely to suffer malnourishment. It is a well-known fact that population in most developing countries suffers from poverty. It makes them more prone to malnourishment since they cannot afford nourishing food. Many times, this population comprises of farmers who play important role in food production.

But, many of these farmers do not own any land to grow crops. It affects their financial status as they work on others’ land but still cannot afford food. No other resources or source of income worsens their situation. Malnourished children of these families are usually unable to live a healthy life, which affects their financial status. Malnourished mothers may give birth to underweight children. Unfortunately, it becomes an unbreakable cycle of poverty and malnourishment.

Low investment rate on agriculture – In developing nations, low investment rate in agriculture also affects the hunger issue. Small farmers are unable to acquire sources like storage, irrigation, agricultural equipment, land management etc., for their crops. If affects food production adversely. Lack of appropriate irrigation resources and aspects like storage can lead to shortage of food supplies.

Still developing infrastructure – These countries have a still developing infrastructure, which affects the overall food production. Natural disasters like draughts can worsen the situation for government that is already struggling with food management and sovereignty.

As mentioned above, developing countries are more prone to the dangers of hunger. However, it is essential to take necessary steps to end world hunger. Whether it’s a developed nation or a still developing one, proper actions should be taken, so that no one sleeps hungry anywhere in the world.

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