Thursday, September 24, 2015

What Are The Top Possibilities Of Eradicating Childhood Hunger?

Food is the basic amenity for everyone to survive. However, regardless of the fact there are many people especially children who have been going through hard times surviving without food. 

If a person remains hungry, then it can affect them physically including children. It can devastate them if proper nutrition is not given to them, as for one’s development it is necessary to intake proper nutrition.

Nowadays, it has come into seen that due to child hunger children are lacking behind proper growth whether physically or mentally and this is putting the world at risk of losing upcoming youth. To overcome these situations, we need to fight against hunger by finding possibilities of eradicating it.

Apparently, possibilities are countless but it would take time to come into existence. We also need to look for sustainable solutions to eradicate the cause, work on certain projects that would help much, and lift awareness among every individual.

Following are some of the approaches that we can follow and use them to put an end to childhood hunger-

Using surplus food –there are large quantity of surplus food that is left over by the school mid day meals, restaurants, entertainment places, hotels etc. people instead of utilizing the food for noble cause throw them away. This is something that should be stopped. One should conduct special events so that you can give the food to the needy or to food banks and community kitchens.

Organizing Fundraisers-the other way out is to collect money. By collecting money, one is able to buy food tat bulk of discounts hat can be distributed at various places. This kind of strategy works a lot, as you can buy the food that is most required and liked by them.

Healthy cooking- the main motive of every parent is to provide maximum nutrition to their children so that their physical growth is not harmed. However, it becomes difficult for some to provide such facility to their children, as they have to look at their budget also. The only way out left is that the parents and kids should find ways to improve the quality of food made so that they intake proper nutrition that is essential.
By organizing sessions at community centers, or some useful places can do the job.

Plantation- the best way is to indulge yourself and children to do maximum plantation in the gardens around your place for starving children. However, before doing that one need to gain proper knowledge about plantation, which can be a great help to the starving kids.

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