Wednesday, September 30, 2015

What Are The Causes Of Hunger And Ways To Prevent It?

Hunger is scarcity of food in a country. In technical term, it is also referred as malnutrition (effects of not having good nutritious food) which leads to deficiency in body. Adverse effects of malnutrition even cause death.

Following are few micro nutrients deficiencies that lead to malnutrition-

  • Iron
  • Vitamin A
  • Iodine
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Protein

The cause behind hunger or malnutrition is a fundamental question. Following are few facts that states reason behind hunger-

Poverty- Lack of resources in a family or unequal income distribution leads to poverty, which ends up causing hunger. According to World Bank statistics, over 1 billion poor people in developing countries are under poverty line. Subsequently, this has increased hunger amongst many poor people.

Conflict between countries- Conflicts worldwide affects many people that lead to increase in the number of hunger. The Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) estimates that more than 172 million people are affected because of conflict between the countries. Conflicts as a cause of hunger also increase higher death rate.

World population- Increasing population is the major cause behind hunger as not all can get a decent standard of living.

Climate change- Increasing drought, flooding, and changing climatic conditions spoil crops. This is another principal cause of hunger and increased death rate.

Food and agricultural policy- Government policies regarding food and agriculture has affected many lives of farmers and forced them to live a life below poverty line. Hence, it has also lead to increase in the number of deaths because of hunger.

Harmful economic systems- Economic and political system amongst various countries in the world is an underlying cause of poverty and hunger.
From the above stated reasons, you must have got an idea what are the key factors that lead to hunger.

These factors are affecting generations to come. A malnourished mother suffering from hunger gives birth to a malnutrition child that suffers from mental or growth problem.

To bring an end to this many world hunger organization have taken an initiative to educate people and children about the importance of nutrition diet.

In addition to it, organization provides nutritious food to everyone, which helps prevent people from any of deficiency or disease. Conclusion to all this is that end of poverty, bad climate condition, government rules and more can end hunger.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

What Are The Top Possibilities Of Eradicating Childhood Hunger?

Food is the basic amenity for everyone to survive. However, regardless of the fact there are many people especially children who have been going through hard times surviving without food. 

If a person remains hungry, then it can affect them physically including children. It can devastate them if proper nutrition is not given to them, as for one’s development it is necessary to intake proper nutrition.

Nowadays, it has come into seen that due to child hunger children are lacking behind proper growth whether physically or mentally and this is putting the world at risk of losing upcoming youth. To overcome these situations, we need to fight against hunger by finding possibilities of eradicating it.

Apparently, possibilities are countless but it would take time to come into existence. We also need to look for sustainable solutions to eradicate the cause, work on certain projects that would help much, and lift awareness among every individual.

Following are some of the approaches that we can follow and use them to put an end to childhood hunger-

Using surplus food –there are large quantity of surplus food that is left over by the school mid day meals, restaurants, entertainment places, hotels etc. people instead of utilizing the food for noble cause throw them away. This is something that should be stopped. One should conduct special events so that you can give the food to the needy or to food banks and community kitchens.

Organizing Fundraisers-the other way out is to collect money. By collecting money, one is able to buy food tat bulk of discounts hat can be distributed at various places. This kind of strategy works a lot, as you can buy the food that is most required and liked by them.

Healthy cooking- the main motive of every parent is to provide maximum nutrition to their children so that their physical growth is not harmed. However, it becomes difficult for some to provide such facility to their children, as they have to look at their budget also. The only way out left is that the parents and kids should find ways to improve the quality of food made so that they intake proper nutrition that is essential.
By organizing sessions at community centers, or some useful places can do the job.

Plantation- the best way is to indulge yourself and children to do maximum plantation in the gardens around your place for starving children. However, before doing that one need to gain proper knowledge about plantation, which can be a great help to the starving kids.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What Is Malnutrition And Various Facts Associated With It?

Poor nutrition causes deficiency in children’s body that lead to nearly half of deaths and approx.795 million people in the world are malnourished.

People when starve or not get nourished food suffer from malnutrition. Food should contain proper amounts of micro nutrients – vitamins, minerals and more, which are necessity of body.

People facing malnourishment often find difficulty in physical activities, growth, and development of body. For pregnant women malnutrition causes risk in their pregnancy.

Disease and malnutrition are associated with each other. Result of malnutrition can also cause even death. According to the UN's Standing Committee on Nutrition (SCN), malnutrition is the biggest reason behind increasing number of diseases in the world.

Types of malnutrition that becomes the major cause of death every year-

Iron deficiency- This is most commonly found in millions of people worldwide. Iron in body plays an important role of carrying oxygen in the blood. Deficiency of iron leads to tiredness in doing work. Cognitive development in children is also hampered because of the deficiency of iron. According to UNICEF report, approx. 40-60 percent of children aging 6-24 months are suffering from Vitamin & Mineral Deficiency.

Vitamin A- Deficiency of vitamin A increases risk of diarrhea, measles, and malaria. It can also further lead to death. Approx. 20-24 percent of people are suffering from vitamin A malnutrition. According to statistics, 140 million children going to preschool and seven million plus pregnant women suffer from child blindness.

Iodine deficiency- Malnutrition of iodine causes thyroid gland called a goiter, which has affected 780 million people worldwide. It has also caused adverse effects on the brain because for proper brain development iodine is must in body. According to researches, 20 million children are suffering from this deficiency. Pregnant women give birth to children with mental issues like mental retardation and physical stunting because they did not consume enough iodine.

Zinc deficiency- It affects growth and weakens immune system in children. It may also cause higher risk of diarrhea and pneumonia. According to reports, nearly 800,000 deaths per year caused because of Zinc deficiency.

To end hunger worldwide, many organizations have taken world hunger solutions. They ensure children get proper nutrition and proper education.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Top Four Ways To End World Hunger

Hunger is one of serious issue that the whole world is facing today and with the increase in number of deaths due to hunger, time has come to take necessary action against hunger to end the world hunger.

However, there are number of ways that can help us to find against hunger for our better future. Some of them are-

1. Stop food wastage-Every year around billions of good and quality food is wasted. Moreover, studies reveal that about 40 percent of the food is filling landfills instead of ending the hunger of number of people around us. Therefore, wastage of food has to stop and make efforts to provide food to all those people or communities that are in need.

2. Agroecology- change in climate is one of the biggest issues that are leading to shortage of food worldwide. Because of our current food production, which is not ecology, there is a need to shift towards Agroecology. Agroecology is a way to protect land, water and the environment. Through this way, one can meet the rapid increase in the food requirements within environment friendly features.

3. Protection of land, seed, and water-These days due to increasing number of government actions, a number of communities is losing acres of valuable land. Apart from land, water is also considered a major component that helps in ending the world hunger. Access to safe drinking water is everyone’s right and moreover, nutrition and food security are deeply connected to water. Therefore, it becomes very important to protect land, save seeds and conserve water to fight against the world hunger.

4. Volunteer-one can also participates as an active volunteer and provide help and support to different organizations in taking necessary actions to end the world hunger.  Volunteering is a new ways and as a volunteer you also require some special skills such as accounting, social media, website development, etc. you can also take help from different people who are already working with the organizations to know more about them.

Ending the world hunger as soon as possible is very important. Therefore the aforementioned are the top four most effective ways that can help to end and fight against hunger.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Reason Behind World Hunger And Key To End It

Every year majority of people die because of hunger. Be it poor, big or developing countries, this has become a major concern for all. Malnutrition is the reason behind it and approximately 45% of children have been affected by it. 

Malnutrition is of multiple types-

Protein energy- Lack of protein in diet causes numerous deaths. Children usually suffer from this deficiency. It is of two type kwashiorkor and marasmus. Deficiency of protein energy affects liver, swelling to ankles and feet.

Micro nutrients- Deficiency of micronutrients like calcium, iodine, selenium, iron, zinc, vitamin C, Vitamin B1 & D, and more affects health of large population. It can lead to severe health conditions like Rickets, Pellagra, Keshan disease etc.

Hence, it is necessary for people of all age group and pregnant ladies to consume all the important nutrients that will help them keep healthy.

While undernourishment causes death but it might also cause sufferings to children in later life. Cognitive and physical impairment are major sufferings that they might have to face rest of their lives. Their bodies are not immune to fight against infections, diseases etc. As compared to other healthy children, they are more prone to diseases, which make them weak.

Reason of undernourishment could be any like deficiency of food essentials, undernourished mother, genetic factor and more.

Education of children is hampered because of undernourishment. Their cognitive skills are underdeveloped that affects their future.

In many countries, children are made to work from an early age, work hard for their living, subsequently, which do not allow them to concentrate on their diet and causes malnutrition health issue.

However, if emphasis is given on end of malnutrition, large amount of lives can be saved and there will be end to world hunger. This will provide proper nutrition to children that will help them live a healthy life.

In addition to this, it also allow them pursue proper education and grab good job opportunities or settle by doing a business.

Besides all these factors, poverty is also the reason behind hunger. A step towards ending poverty can help end world hunger too. End to all these things ensure that children will live a healthy life. There are many world hunger organizations that work to end child hunger and provide a good quality life to children.

This step has proven to be bliss as half of the malnourished population worldwide has ended.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Type Of Malnutrition That Affects Individual’s Overall Development

A person not eating healthy or enriched ingredient food (proper amounts of micro nutrients - vitamins and minerals) is likely to affect its physical and mental ability. Indeed, it also results into some disease like physical disability, diminishing learning ability, mental retardation, and brain damage.

Malnutrition could be because of any reason like hunger, poverty, unhealthy diet, and more. Here is few type of malnutrition that is affecting many individuals, children, and generations to come-

Protein energy malnutrition- In this type, individual is lacking in amount of protein unit in their body. People all across the globe are facing this deficiency and are likely getting prey of anemia, scurvy, pellagra, beriberi and xeropthalmia and, ultimately, death. Two major type of protein malnutrition is kwashiorkor and marasmus. People suffering from marasmus are likely to lose tons of weight, while people suffering from kwashiorkor suffer from enlarged liver, swelling of the ankles and feet.

Iron deficiency- This is another type of malnutrition prevalent worldwide. Iron deficiency leads to tiredness and lethargy. This majorly affects 6 to 24 months of children in their cognitive development.

Vitamin A-Deficiency of Vitamin A weakens the immune systems and leads to the risk of diarrhea, measles, and malaria. About 20 to 24 percent of children population is affected by this deficiency. Millions of pregnant women getting affect by this deficiency leads to infant’s blindness.

Micro nutrients- Individuals lacking in micro nutrients such as calcium, iodine, selenium, iron, zinc, vitamin C, Vitamin B1 & D, and more suffer from various medical conditions like Rickets, Pellagra, Keshan disease etc.

Iodine deficiency-Millions of people are affected by the deficiency of iodine. Individuals lacking in this often face symptoms like swelling of the thyroid gland called goitre. Its adverse effect is on brain. Deficiency of iodine does not allow brain to develop properly, which leads to mental disability. According to researches, 20 million of children lacking with iodine unit in their body are mentally not fit. They often suffer from severe mental retardation and physical stunting.

Zinc deficiency
-Lack of Zinc micro nutrient leads to growth failure and weakened immunity in children. Increased risk of this deficiency leads to diarrhoea and pneumonia, which results to many deaths.

In order to safeguard health and life of children end childhood hunger is the solution to it. This will help people of all age group to get proper nutrients that will help prevent them from diseases.